Payment Methods

IF order credit card payment failed, please check as bellow:
  1. Make sure your credit Card not expired, and Sufficient amount…
  2. Make sure your credit card approve international payment, if not just contact your bank to enable this function.
  3. Please make sure you fill in correctcredit card payment information(Such as Holder Name, address, and card No. and CVV, and expiration date)
  4. Make sure you authorized this transaction with your bank (if some of banks need it), (Your bank will send you a message to confirm whether you authorize this transaction or not, you need to reply to make sure)
  5. Payment failed, (for the high-risk transaction), first you need to make sure you fill in the correct info, but also failed, there are may be these reasons:

A: The order recipient is not a cardholder
B:The shipping address not the same as billing address

C: The payment where you make just not the place where you often trade
D: Your IP address just not the same as usual
Such as above ABCD reasons high-risk transaction, in order to make sure the safe payment, just E-mail us your credit card picture (Just show us your card holder Name and the last 4 No. of the Credit Card No., the other info on card just Mosaic please) And we will contact the bank to re-do this transaction. After that any results we will inform you by E-mail.
Any problems with the payment, just contact us by E-mail: [email protected]